July 2021

AGBU Lebanon Co-hosts a Lecture Series on the History of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
In collaboration with the Lepsius Haus—Potsdam, a research center for Genocide Studies in Germany, the Armenian General Benevolent Union Lebanon (AGBU Lebanon) launched the first in a new lecture series focused on the conflict in Karabakh. The first panel discussion of the series, titled “Embattled Dreamlands: A History of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict”, revolved around how the memory of the past deeply affects the reality of the present.....read more

EU Global Diaspora Facility Collaborates with AGBU Europe on AGBU WE Programme
Through its Capacity Development Lab initiative in Armenia, the European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) is collaborating with AGBU Europe on AGBU’s Women Entrepreneurs programme, bringing diaspora experts to Armenia. The initiative aims to support AGBU’s diaspora mentorship programme that connects the talents of Armenian diaspora from Europe with women entrepreneurs in Armenia.....read more

AGBU Nubar Library in Paris Recognized as "Heritage of Regional Interest" Starts Digitalization of its Collection
On April 24, 2021, the President of the Ile-de-France Region, Valérie Pécresse, unveiled the "Label of Regional Interest" plaque at the AGBU Nubar Library in Paris. Directed by Boris Adjemian, the library is a fundamental history and research center for the global Armenian diaspora....read more

AGBU Discover Talents Awards Young Musicians in Armenia
For its 3rd edition, AGBU Discovers Talents, led by AGBU France, brought a jury of international musicians to Armenia to conduct masterclasses and audition young musical talents taking part in the programme. The prizes included the loan of high-quality instruments and the opportunity to perform solo with the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia. A concluding concert with the 3 prize winners and members of the jury took place at the Komitas Museum in Yerevan...read more

Articles in French by AGBU in NAM

Nouvelles d'Arménie Magazine
- Déplacement du président de l'UGAB Berge Setrakian en Arménie
- Repenser l'histoire du XXème siècle
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